YAT members and supporters of the Made For Delta Youth Hub
News Release

Delta City Council Greenlights Youth Hub Initiative

Delta, BC - On July 8, 2024, the Delta Police Department (DPD), a member of Delta’s Youth Action Team (YAT), presented a report to Delta Council advocating for the creation of a “Made for Delta Youth Hub.” Delta’s Child Youth Committee (CYC), a collaborative group comprising of government, non-profit, and other partners, is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of local...

Delta Police JFO 2024
News Release

Delta Police Hosts Commercial Vehicle Safety Joint Force Operation

From June 19th to June 20th, the Delta Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit partnered with various other enforcement agencies to enhance commercial vehicle road safety. The operation focused on commercial vehicles that may not be properly maintained and could pose hazards on our roads. Inspections prioritized critical aspects such as mechanical components and driver qualifications, specifically assessing brakes, tires, lights...

Missing Person Found template
News Release

Missing Youth Located

File 2024-11516 Update June 25th 6:10pm. This missing youth has been located. On Tuesday, June 25 th , 2024, the Delta Police Department (DPD) received a report of a missing person in Tsawwassen. Following a disagreement with family, 12-year-old [Name removed] left home, but did not arrive at South Park Elementary School as expected. While at this time there is...

Delta Police seek witnesses and cctv video, Ladner waterfront fire, building destroyed
News Release

Fire on Ladner Waterfront

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fire on Ladner Waterfront File 2024-10462 Delta, BC – June 10, 2024 – A late night Ladner fire on June 8th, 2024, has destroyed a vacant building in the 4900 block of Chisholm Street. The fire was reported shortly before midnight on Saturday and did not result in any injuries. Fire investigators are still working to determine...

News release, suspicious fire, Delta Police
News Release

Dennison Park Fire Deemed Suspicious

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dennison Park Fire Deemed Suspicious File 2024-8802 Delta, BC – June 5, 2024 – An early morning Tsawwassen fire on May 17 th , 2024, has been declared suspicious. A building used to store athletic gear and equipment was destroyed by the fire. The investigation to date has not identified anyone responsible for this fire. The Delta...

News Release Template, Theft From Auto, Break and Enter, Garage Door Openers, Delta Police, Crime Spree
News Release

Theft from Autos and Break and Enters – Tsawwassen

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Theft from Autos and Break and Enters – Tsawwassen File 2024-9928 Delta, BC – June 3, 2024 – Over the past week, the community of Tsawwassen has experienced an increase in theft from parked cars. Many of these thefts have included garage door openers being taken from the cars and then used to enter the garages. This...

Axon News Release May 23, 2024
News Release

Public Safety Partners and Media Invited to Axon Roadshow Hosted by DPD

The Delta Police Department (DPD) is pleased to announce that it will host the Axon Roadshow on May 27, 2024. This event will showcase the latest advancements in public safety technologies designed to enhance safety and efficiency. Axon, an international company headquartered in Arizona, specializes in public safety technology, training, and software designed to ensure the safety of both public...

Delta Police, Swatting, High School, Burnsview Secondary, Mischief, False Report
News Release

Swatting Incident at Burnsview Secondary School

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Swatting Incident at Burnsview Secondary School Delta, BC – May 16, 2024 – Today at 11:55 a.m., the Delta Police Department (DPD) received a report of an individual with a firearm at Burnsview Secondary School. In response, the school administration was requested to initiate a lockdown and subsequent hold and secure protocol. DPD officers arrived swiftly to...

Axon Roadshow, Trade Show, Law Enforcement Technology, Demos, Media Invited
News Release

The Axon Roadshow is Returning to Delta May 27, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Axon Roadshow is Returning to Delta May 27, 2024 Delta, BC – May 14th, 2024 – On May 27 th , 2024, the Delta Police Department (DPD) will be hosting the Axon Roadshow at Dugald Morrison Park, 5575 Mountain View Boulevard, Delta, BC (immediately adjacent DPD Headquarters in Ladner). Event Details: Date: May 27 th...

Crime Data, Delta Police, City of Delta, Community Wellbeing, Community-First
News Release

Decrease in Crime Noted in Delta for 2024

For Immediate Release Decrease in Crime Noted in Delta for 2024 EDIT May 14, 2024 - The below noted data was presented to the Delta Police Board during the April 2024 Delta Police Board meeting. The news release below, unedited, advised that the data would be presented to the Delta Police Board on May 14th. The May 14th presentation will...