Message from Chief Harj Sidhu
Year after year, Delta has remained one of the safest communities regionally, provincially, and nationally, in part through the hard work of the Delta Police Department (DPD) team. The strength of our team is our community and our Community-First Policing approach.
As Chief, my focus will be on working collaboratively with the board, our officers, civilian staff and volunteers, community partners, and residents to ensure Delta remains one of the safest places to live, work, and play. Together, we will build on our strong foundation, strengthening trust, and building on our shared commitment to community safety and well-being.
Community-First Policing, grounded in our No Call Too Small philosophy, is the foundation of our mission to ensure community safety and well-being through collaboration, innovation, and diversity. Our efforts are focused on meeting the needs, priorities, and expectations of our community. Our community’s trust and confidence in our team are key to our efforts.
Thank you,
Chief Constable Harj Sidhu
Delta Police Department