Reserve Constable Program
Apply Here
Delta Police Reserve Constables are uniformed, trained volunteers who participate in community policing and crime prevention activities while under the direct supervision of a police officer. The purpose of the Reserve program is two-fold. It allows citizens to volunteer with the Delta Police in various community events and it also gives the Reserve Constable the opportunity for personal growth and development towards achieving their future goal as a police officer.
Since 2002 the Delta Police has hired 214 volunteers to our Reserve Program and 144 of those have been hired as regular members with by Delta or other agencies. That is over 67%. We have many senior constables as well as three Inspectors and two Deputy Chiefs who started out as reserves with us.
Although the Delta Police recognize that many reserve applicants are interested in obtaining employment as a regular member, we encourage civic-minded citizens who are solely interested in serving their community.
Community Safety Officer (CSO) Program
The Delta Police Department is leveraging the existing volunteer Reserve Constable program to create an additional paid Community Safety Officer (CSO) program. The CSO model is utilized by many police departments in B.C., and gives those interested in a career in law enforcement the opportunity to work alongside Delta Police members in an operative capacity.
While the CSO position is a great opportunity for aspiring police officers, the position will also help increase community patrol and engagement in Delta. The CSO program formally began in December 2021, and is running as a pilot project for 12-months.

Reserve Training
Successful applicants will complete the Reserve Constable Training Program set out by BC Police Services under the Ministry of Justice. The thirteen weeks of training take place from November to February with classes held on Wednesdays evenings (3 hours) and Saturdays (6-8 hours). Candidates will study legal issues, traffic, communication tactics, professionalism and ethics, and self-defence training. The training culminates with a graduation ceremony where the Reserve Candidate will be sworn in at City Hall.
After graduation the Reserve Constable must commit to volunteer a minimum of 16 hours each month. The hours may include, but are not limited to, training, ride-a-longs with patrol members, and participation in community events and programs. There is also a mandatory monthly meeting.
Basic Requirements
- Minimum 19 years of age
- Excellent character
- Canadian citizen or permanent resident (with a minimum of 3 years of recent work experience in Canada)
- Grade 12 diploma or equivalent, PLUS one year (minimum 30 credits) of academic post-secondary education from a recognized university or college (other course work of an equivalent level and duration and/or unique learned skill sets may be considered)
- Basic first aid certificate with CPR Level C and AED for British Columbia
- Valid Class 5 British Columbia driver’s licence with a good driving record
- No criminal convictions, charges under another federal statute, or criminal charges pending
- Uncorrected vision of not less than 20/40 with both eyes open, with one eye no worse than 20/100
- Corrected vision: 20/20 with both eyes open, with one eye no worse than 20/40
- Colour vision: colour vision should be normal (ie. the applicant must pass the Ishihara test or Farnsworth D-15 test)
- Peripheral vision: 150 continuous degrees along the horizontal meridian binocularly, and 30 degrees above and below the fixation point
- Binocular vision: stereoacuity of 100 seconds of arc or better (i.e. pass the TITUMS or RANDOT Circles test)
- Candidates who have had successful laser eye surgery will only be considered after 6 months post operation.
- Hearing loss in one ear not greater than 50 dB and the other ear not greater than 30 dB in the 500-3000 Hz range
Reserve Application Process
- Achieve 60% or better on the Delta Police Intake Exam
- Complete POPAT in 4:15 minutes or better
- Successful interview
- Polygraph test
- Background check