The Delta Police Board (Board) provides civilian oversight to the Delta Police Department (DPD) and was established pursuant to the British Columbia Police Act.
The Board consists of:
- Up to seven community members appointed by the Provincial Government
- One community member appointed by the Delta City Council
- One Delta City Council member appointed by the Delta City Council
In accordance with the Police Act, the Board:
- Is the employer of all DPD officers and staff, with the Board Chair responsible for discipline matters related to the Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constables.
- Approves the DPD’s budget and provides primary financial oversight.
- Establishes the DPD’s priorities, goals, objectives, and policies that set the direction for the DPD.
- Addresses Police Act "service and policy complaints."
While roles and responsibilities of the Board are defined by the Police Act, the Board has adopted a Governance Manual which provides best practices governance direction to facilitate the Board fulfilling those roles and responsibilities.