Submit a Complaint
Several options exist to file a complaint relating to officer conduct as outlined below.
On-Duty Staff Sergeant:
The on-duty Patrol Staff Sergeant may be able to assist if you have concerns that you would like brought to an officer's supervisor's attention. The Staff Sergeant can be reached through our switchboard at 604-946-4411.
Professional Standards Section:
The Professional Standards Section (PSS) is an independent section within the DPD reporting directly to the Chief Constable. PSS is responsible for conducting investigations regarding allegations of police misconduct.
The goal of PSS is to conduct thorough, objective, and fair investigations into alleged police misconduct, PSS can be reached directly at 604-595-2167 or via email at [email protected]. Please note this is not the Delta Police Department's non-emergency contact number. For non-emergency calls for service, please continue to call 604-946-4411.
Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner:
The Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner (OPCC) is the independent civilian oversight authority of the British Columbia Police Act. The legislated mandate of the OPCC is to provide independent oversight of Police Act investigations involving complaints of misconduct by police officers in British Columbia. The OPCC is also the oversight body for the governance of Service and Policy complaints made against a municipal police department.
A complaint can be made directly to the OPCC. The OPCC receives all complaints and will determine admissibility under provisions of the Police Act and notifies the Delta Police Department accordingly.
The Police Act provides options by which a member of the public can submit a report of complaint or concern regarding a police officer of the Delta Police Department. A member of the public may wish to submit a formal registered complaint to the OPCC regarding the actions of a police officer(s) or submit a Question or Concern to the on-duty patrol Staff Sergeant who will address the matter and notify the Professional Standards Section. Complaints can be sent directly to the OPCC or through the Delta Police Department's Professional Standards Section.
Police Act investigations are confidential for all participants and not subject to disclosure through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
The OPCC or designate, depending on the nature of the alleged misconduct, may determine that it’s most appropriate for all parties involved that the investigation into the allegation be carried out by an outside policing agency. The OPCC has the authority to make that determination and direct an external investigation be conducted.
The OPCC can be contacted directly at 250-356-7458 or toll free at 1-877-999-8707, or by email at [email protected]. Correspondence for the OPCC can be sent to PO Box 9895, Stn Govt, Victoria, BC V8W9T8, or by fax at 250-356-6503.