News Releases

Report on 2023 Police Resource Levels in Delta
Delta, BC – The Delta Police Department (DPD) monitors two key performance measures annually at the provincial and national levels. The first performance measure is Statistics Canada’s Crime Severity Index (CSI), the only national measure to compare crime consistently across the country. The CSI is calculated based on the amount and seriousness of the offences reported to the police. A...

Update - Shots Fired
Delta, BC – This morning at 10:49 am, the Delta Police Department (DPD) responded to a shots-fired call in the 9400 block of River Rd, Delta. A vehicle had been shot by an unknown suspect wearing all black clothing. No injuries occurred. The suspect immediately fled the area. Investigators believe that this incident was targeted. Officers continue to investigate and...

Shots Fired
Delta, BC – The Delta Police Department (DPD) is currently investigating a report of shots fired call in the 9400 block of River Rd, Delta, BC that occurred at 10:49 this morning. There are no injuries; however, a vehicle has been located with bullet holes. There is a heavy police presence in the area currently, and we ask that the...