Special Event Permits
A Special Event Permit (SEP) is required for any event serving liquor. Delta Police reviews SEP applications for public and private events where liquor is being served.
All SEPs must now be applied for online: Liquor Licences
SEP Application Process
- Delta Police will review all SEPs that exceed 100 people; anything less may be approved automatically by the online automated system.
- SEPs in excess of 500 people must be accompanied by a Security Plan as required by legislation. These applications will be reviewed by Liquor Control Licensing Branch (LCLB) staff.
- All SEP applications should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of an event to ensure review and approval in time for an event. There is no one available to review SEP applications on weekends or on statutory holidays.
- You must apply for your SEP online. Some applications will be approved by the automated system immediately; others will be forwarded to Police and/or LCLB staff for review.
- All applications are reviewed with many factors under scrutiny, including:
- Is the amount of alcohol appropriate for the number of people? (Maximum one serving per adult per hour to maximum of seven hours)
- Is the venue licenced to hold the number of people listed on the application? (complying with Fire Regulations and maximum occupancy)
- Does the applicant have a “Responsible Beverage Service Number” ? (not required on all SEPs, but required on most)
- Has the applicant been investigated or charged for any liquor related infractions within the last two years?
- Does the applicant have an affiliation with any criminal elements or gangs?
- Does the listed event have any connection to criminal elements or gangs? If you have any questions or concerns regarding Special Occasion Licences please contact the Community Relations Officer:
A/S/Sgt. Jim Ingram
604-946-4411 extension 2801