Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence
Intimate partner violence/Domestic violence can occur with a family member, partner, or any time there is a power imbalance. Relationship violence can vary in frequency and severity.

Research and experience show that violence in a relationship follows a cycle. The tension builds over a period of time (days, weeks, months, or even years). Then comes the assault, which is followed by a period of peacemaking, referred to as the ‘honeymoon’ phase.
Really, what it comes down to is that everyone deserves to be safe in their home. A happy and safe home is the bedrock of a safe community. We want people in Delta to be aware that allegations of intimate partner violence, threats or harassment will be treated seriously and thoroughly investigated. We want those people who have suffered abuse to come forward so we can help them take back their lives, for the sake of their future and their children’s futures. They deserve better.- Delta Police Domestic Violence Unit
See definition of abuse, warning signs, safety planning and local resources. For more information please call Delta Police Department at 604.946.4411 or Victim Services 604.940.5019