No, there’s no ticket quota
We often respond to requests for targeted enforcement from the public, but we rely primarily on a data-driven approach. That means we target enforcement in high collision areas.
One common belief is that police have ticket quotas to fill – and officers will do things like hide at the bottom of the hill just to make up their ticket quota. That is false! Our true metric is – are collisions trending down? Money from tickets actually goes to the Province, not the police department or municipality.

The most effective way to change driving behaviours that cause collisions is through enforcement and education. We do this through:
- individual and team enforcement that helps deter high risk driving behaviour
- education campaigns, partnering with community stakeholders.
- giving our officers ‘ownership’ of certain zones in Delta.
27% of traffic fatalities on Canadian roads are a direct result of speeding?
Where are Traffic Officers?
- Out on Delta highways, where speeds get to be ridiculous (200+ km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone).
- In high volume locations, where collisions happen the most frequently.
- School zones, or places where children interact with vehicles on a roadway.
- Intersections, identifying distracted drivers (where most collisions happen).
- Or working with our volunteers to let you know that you’re speeding.
- Sometimes, you won’t see us at all…