Episode 45: '10-33 ' Officer Down: RCMP Sgt. Laurie White's Story of Being Shot in the Leg and Her Return to the Front Line
This week Chief Neil Dubord is joined by Laurie White. Laurie graduated from the RCMP training academy, ‘depot’, in 1996 and was posted to Kitimat, B.C.
Less than three years into her career she was shot in the leg while executing a search warrant at the home of a sex offender. Laurie shares her incredible story of losing her leg, her physical and mental recovery and her heroic return to work as the first police officer in Canada to return to full, unrestricted policing duties, with an artificial leg.
Laurie and Chief Dubord discuss how the injury sent her to a dark place mentally, and how she struggled with constantly being told ‘you are lucky to be alive’, while at the same time feeling incredibly angry.
Laurie went on to have a full career and write a book about her experience after her retirement in 2020. (Link Book – 10-33 Officer Down)
This is a story you won’t want to miss.

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