Episode: 38: Maintaining Professionalism in the Face of Tragedy: Retired RCMP Supt. James Hardy Shares his Story of Leading Through Crisis
This week, Chief Neil Dubord is joined by James Hardy who has been in policing for more than 4 decades, he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police then over to the Calgary Police Service, and later developed a consulting career.
This episode is the first part of two, where James speaks about his 40 years of career in policing and how hard it was to retire. He also shares two major incidents that happened during his vast career that impacted him forever. James shares in detail both events and how he managed to balance professionalism and pay attention to his emotions.
Stay tuned for part 2, where James talks about his role as a Team Commander in the Mayerthorpe tragedy that took the lives of four RCMP officers.

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