Property crime continues downward trend in Delta, persons offences up
Oct. 31, 2019
Delta Police are pleased to see that both residential and commercial break and enters are down in the third quarter in 2019. Residential Break and Enters dropped significantly to just 38 in all of July, August and September, down from 55 this time last year. The downward trend started in the second quarter of 2019, with 47 noted at that time.

Commercial Break and Enters also down significantly to 25 from 44 in the third quarter of 2018.
Despite occasional spikes, Thefts from Auto also continued in the right direction, down to 168 from 179 at this time last year.
“We’ve been very encouraged by these trends,” says Chief Neil Dubord, head of the Delta Police Department. “Property crimes are a priority for the Delta Police, but it’s really a partnership between police and the public to drive those numbers down. I want to caution people to remember to keep valuables out of sight, and that includes things like loose change and sunglasses. And remember, we often see a spike as people start holiday shopping, with packages in cars.”
He points out the Community Watch Program is also a great tool – businesses and home owners can register their names and contact info, letting police know video may be available in certain areas, should the need arise.
Persons offences have unfortunately continued to rise, and are up to 248 in Q3, from 184 last year this time. The rise is in line with what Delta Police has been seeing so far in 2019.
Assaults and robberies have both experienced increases. Analysis conducted shows that domestic and family violence account for 36% of files, and workplace assaults make up about 34% of the assault files in Delta. The remaining assaults include scenarios such as road rage, shoplifting, customer service incidents etc. Youths are involved in 13% of the assault files and 23% of robberies.
External factors influencing this increase in persons offences may include increased reporting rates, population growth, an increase in homelessness and increased drug use.
“We are targeting this issue through enforcement of alcohol laws, and strategically focusing resources on areas where we see an increase,” says Chief Dubord. “We are also working hard to address domestic and family violence, and enhance our youth intervention programs, and mental health strategies.”
Rounding out Q3 reporting, traffic collisions numbers have continued at a steady rate with 265 compared to 256 this time last year. As September was unusually rainy, those numbers are considered in line. Traffic enforcement has continued at a steady rate, with 3,330 violation tickets handed out to drivers in this quarter, compared to 3,510 this time last year.