If you meet the requirements, and have not written a Delta Police intake exam in the past six months, register for the next intake exam. Due to the volume of applications received, only applicants being actively considered will be contacted with an email invite to our next Recruit Intake exam. Invitations to write are typically emailed two weeks prior to the date of the exam. If you have not received an invitation to the Intake exam within 6 months, we have more competitive applicants in our pool at this time. The DPD usually runs seven exams per year in the following months:
February | April | June | August | September (Reserve Constables) | October | December
Upcoming date(s) for intake exam(s)
Tuesday | April 22nd, 2025 - 17:00 hours
Tuesday | June 24th, 2025 - 17:00 hours
Tuesday | August 26th, 2025 - 17:00 hours
Tuesday | October 14th, 2025 - 17:00 hours
Tuesday | December 10th, 2025 - 17:00 hours
Public Safety Building 11375 84th Ave, Delta, BC
Interested applicants please upload your resume and cover letter by clicking “Apply Now”.
The ETHOS exam has a three-hour time limit, and most applicants use the allotted time to complete the exam. A passing score is the class average (or higher), for each individual exam. Those who have passed will be contacted and provided information regarding an upcoming POPAT date. Applicants who fail to pass the ETHOS exam must wait 6 months and then re-register for a second opportunity to write the exam. Each request will be considered on an individual basis. The modules assess the following four areas:
- Memory and observation skills (20 marks)
- Reading, Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills (25 marks)
- Summarizing skills (10 marks)
- Writing and editing skills (45 marks)