May 2022
International extortion scam /有关国际敲诈勒索骗局的警方警告 / 警察提醒公眾,要當心國際性勒索金錢的詐騙行為
Earlier this month a victim contacted Delta Police to report being defrauded over $200,000. While this is the first reported case in Delta using this technique, it has been reported widely throughout the country. Please share the following information: In this scam, Chinese authorities, including police and prosecutors contact the victim, mainly using web-based applications like Skype/WhatsApp, detailing they have an agreement between Chinese and Canadian officials to arrest and deport the victim to China. These fraudsters request the victim transfer large sums of money to a bank account in Hong Kong to pay back a perceived debt incurred for money laundering services.
Review the following safety tips to prevent being a victim of fraud:
- Never wire, send, or e-transfer money based on a request made over the phone
- Resist the pressure to act quickly and watch out for urgent pleas that play on your emotions. Fraudsters will attempt to elicit fear in efforts to make a financial gain, and may direct you to not communicate with family or friends prior to the transaction.
- Do not provide personal information (e.g. SIN, passport number, credit card numbers, or banking information) over the phone unless you placed the call and you know who you are speaking to.
- If you suspect a scam, hang up. Do some research to determine the validity.
- Consider sharing this information with friends, neighbours, and family members who may not be connected to social media.
If you believe you have been a victim of fraud or are being targeted, please contact DPD’s non-emergency line at 604.946.4411
虽然在三角洲,这是首宗使用这种伎俩诈骗的报案,但在全国已有很多此类报案。 请分享以下信息:
- 不要按照电话中对方的要求进行电汇、汇款或电子转账
- 务必顶住压力,迅速采取行动,留意那些旨在对您情绪造成影响的急迫要求。为了谋财,诈骗者会试图引起您的恐惧,并可能指示您在交易前不要与家人或朋友交流。
- 不要在电话中提供个人信息(例如社会保障卡号(SIN)、护照号码、信用卡号码或银行信息),除非是您主动拨打的电话并且知道通话对象是谁。
- 如果您怀疑是骗局,请挂断电话。做一些调查,以确定电话的真实性。
- 考虑与可能不上网浏览社交媒体的朋友、邻居和家人分享这些信息。
在這次詐騙過程中,騙徒假扮中國執法人員,包括警員及檢控官,使用主要是 Skype/WhatsApp
- 千萬不要因為一個電話上作出的要求就去電匯、轉帳或電子轉帳金錢。
- 要抗拒對方要求作出即時行動的壓力,留意一些利用你情緒的緊急請求。騙徒會嘗試威嚇你以獲取利益,亦或會要求你不要在付款前與家人或朋友聯絡。
- 不要在電話中提供你的個人資料(例如社會保險號碼(SIN)、護照號碼、信用卡號碼或銀行資料),除非是你主動撥出電話,並清楚知道對方是誰。
- 如果你懷疑接到詐騙電話要馬上掛線。可以做點研究去辨別真偽。
- 考慮與那些沒有使用社交媒體的朋友、鄰居及家人分享這信息。
如果你相信自己已成了詐騙行為的受害人或已被騙徒盯上,可聯絡三角洲警署的非緊急號碼:604.946.4411 。