School Liaison Programs
School Liaison Officers deliver a variety of programming in partnership with the Delta School District. The following programs are offered to every school. Please contact the Delta Police Department to learn more. The Programs include:
Introducing youth to police; how to recognize police (uniform and police car) in order to remove stigma, fear and anxiety a young person may have and recognizing that some youth may be from a culture or background where police are not seen as being trustworthy.
Introducing young people to the roles and responsibilities of a SLO officer.
SLO officer reads books to young people to encourage reading books while humanizing the police officer and the uniform. The books are always age specific content centering on the topics of kindness and anti-bullying and pro-social behaviour.
Presentation geared towards grades 5, & 7 which aims to promote good choices as young people begin exploring online platforms. Discusses the dangers of befriending individuals online whom they don’t know in person. Discusses the dangers of sexting and sharing of intimate photos online. Discusses online behavioural expectations and the permanent nature of their digital footprint.
Auto shop classes invite SLO officer into the classroom environment to cover topics such as vehicles, speed, modifications & traffic laws.
Delivered to grade 8 students to highlight the opioid crisis, the dangers of the current illicit drug environment and ways to keep themselves safe and how to keep watch over each other.
Law 12 classes invite the SLO officers into the classroom environment to discuss a variety of topics selected by the students that have a nexus to youth and the law.
In partnership with the Delta School District, the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit Gang Intervention and Exiting Team (CFSEU GIET) and the Pacific Coast Resources Society (PCRS) the Delta Police SLO officers coordinate and help facilitate an anti-gang and anti-child exploitation presentation to high school aged students.
The Delta School District hosts many students from around the world annually and the SLO officers meet with these students and provide a presentation to familiarize them with the roles and functions of police in Canada. This presentation also covers common issues, questions and concerns they may experience and provides information to them on how they can reach out for help.
In addition to this programming delivery the SLO team also attends the school dances, Terry Fox Runs, the Sands Secondary Triathlon and various other events to help the school administration address safety concerns and planning.