Update from media availability - Missing man
File 20-10439
Delta Police were joined by the family of (Name Removed) for a media availability today.
Below is a statement from Superintendent Harj Sidhu on the status of the investigation. Audio of his statement is also available at the link at the bottom.
Statement by Supt. Harj Sidhu
(Name Removed), 88 years old left his family residence near Nordel Way and 116th Ave in North Delta on May 15, 2020.
He was last seen on video surveillance at 1130 am walking eastbound 11800 Block 88 Ave in Delta.
(Name Removed) has not been heard or seen from since.

Descriptors: (Name Removed) is of the Sikh Faith.
- South Asian Male, Slim Build, 5’8”, grey beard
- Wearing a Sky Blue Turban
- Dark Grey Quartet Zip Up jacket over a plaid shirt
- Dark Grey Jogging Pants with a white stripe
- Black running shoes
- Has a Sikh symbol tattoo on back of his hand
- He suffers from Dementia
- Diabetic controlled through medication
(Name Removed) is able to use transit had a small quantity of money in his possession and frequents the Sikh Temple near 84th Ave and 140 Street in Surrey.
To date numerous investigative steps have been conducted to locate (Name Removed) including;
- Extensive video canvass of residences and businesses to get a possible sighting
- Extensive ground search including use of South Fraser Search and Rescue over the weekend throughout the North Delta area.
- Numerous family and friends have conducted their own searches to locate (Name Removed).
- All checks with various institutions and service providers have been negative.
- Public messaging through all media platforms has resulted in numerous tips but none have resulted in a confirmation of his whereabouts.
Considering (Name Removed) has not been seen or heard from in 5 days and his medical conditions everyone is extremely concerned about his whereabouts and locating him as quick as possible.
I know I speak on behalf of the family who will speak shortly that we have very much appreciated the ongoing public support and need your continued assistance.
At this time we are now asking the public and any organizations and businesses within the North Delta and Surrey areas to look in any unlocked building or vehicles on their property for (Name Removed) as it’s believed he may have tried to seek shelter.
A tip line has been created and the public is requested to call the Delta Police at 604-946-4411 to report any information or sightings of (Name Removed) or if help is urgently required to call 911.
We’ve had significant police resources investigating this file, and today it’s transitioning to our Intelligence Branch, which handles more complex missing person’s files.