- Minimum 19 years of age
- Excellent character
- Canadian citizen or permanent resident (with a minimum of 3 years of recent work experience in Canada)
- Grade 12 diploma or equivalent, PLUS a minimum of 30 credits of academic post-secondary education from an accredited university or college that falls under the BC Council on admissions and transfers. Education outside of Canada must be evaluated by the International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)
- Physically fit and in excellent health; able to pass the POPAT (Police Officer’s Physical Abilities Test) and a medical examination
- Basic first aid certificate with CPR Level C and AED for British Columbia
- Valid Class 5 British Columbia driver’s licence with a good driving record
- No criminal convictions, charges under another federal statute, or criminal charges pending
- Uncorrected vision of not less than 20/40 with both eyes open, with one eye no worse than 20/100
- Corrected vision: 20/20 with both eyes open, with one eye no worse than 20/40
- Colour vision: colour vision should be normal (ie. the applicant must pass the Ishihara test or Farnsworth D-15 test)
- Peripheral vision: 150 continuous degrees along the horizontal meridian binocularly, and 30 degrees above and below the fixation point
- Binocular vision: stereoacuity of 100 seconds of arc or better (i.e. pass the TITUMS or RANDOT Circles test)
- Candidates who have had successful laser eye surgery will only be considered after 3 months post operation.
- Hearing loss in one ear not greater than 50 dB and the other ear not greater than 30 dB in the 500-3000 Hz range
Preferred Qualifications
The following qualifications are not necessary, but applicants possessing any of these criteria will be considered more competitive and will be given preference in the selection process.
- Post-secondary education beyond the minimum of 30 credits. Completion of a university degree is an asset.
- We are looking for employees who are top performers or supervisors in their present work role. Experience interacting with the public is an asset.
- Law enforcement related employment or experience.
- Fluent in a second language other than English.
- A demonstrated commitment to the community through volunteer experience in related fields such as:
- Reserve Constable Program
- Community Police Offices
- Service Club participation (Big Brothers, BC Children's Hospital)
- Coaching, teaching or mentoring
- Crisis Line
We are consistently hiring for vacancies and only the best qualified applicants will be successful. If you meet our qualifications, we encourage you to apply using the links in the Apply Now section of this page.