Make sure your property is well-lit. Utilize motion activated lights on the exterior of your property. In the fall and winter months when it gets dark early, interior lights on a timer can be beneficial to make it appear as though someone is home
Alarms / Door and Window Chimes
Alarms and/or window and door chimes can be advantageous in preventing crime. Alarms can deter would be offenders and can allow the police to respond in a timely manner instead of after the fact. Window and door chimes can also deter offenders and can notify any occupants that a window or door has been opened.
Other considerations
• Change passcodes on electronic locks and garage doors from time to time.
• Trim shrubs and bushes to eliminate hiding spots and never hide keys outside.
• Do not announce your vacation or trips on social media.
Consider requesting a complimentary CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) evaluation by a trained DPD volunteer.